Dividend Track Record

Below details Fisgard’s past performance based on its popular Series A5 (5 year) investments. These are NET annualized returns after all costs have been deducted. You can see what our investors have received in cash dividends as well as the growth they’ve experienced by reinvesting their dividends.

Based on Fisgard’s 5-year investment

Dividends and Investment Growth

Investment PeriodNet CashNet Growth*Accumulated Investment*
Last Year6.175%6.353%$10,635
Last 3 Years6.423%6.616%$12,119
Last 5 Years6.892%7.116%$14,101
Last 7 Years7.066%7.301%$16,376

 *Denotes reinvestment of dividends. Accumulated investment is based on a $10,000 investment at the beginning of the investment period.
* As of 31-Dec-2022

Monthly Returns Since 2015 (Series A5)

YearJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecNet Annualized
Cash Return
Net Annualized
Growth Return
20187.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50% 7.50%7.78%
20177.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50% 7.50%7.76%
20167.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50% 7.50%7.76%
20157.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50%7.50% 7.50%7.76%

*Data as of 31-Jul-2023