Privacy Policy

We protect all personal information you entrust to us, taking precautions against unauthorized access, collection, use or disclosure. We do not disclose any of your personal information unless you give us written authority.

Fisgard complies with British Columbia’s privacy legislation (the Personal Information Protection Act or ‘PIPA’). This act governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by all private sector organizations in the province. We maintain the confidentiality of all client information that we collect, use and disclose in our business.

To provide lending services and investment opportunities to our clients we need access to relevant facts and information that relate to their personal and business finances.

Wherever practical we endeavor to collect personal information directly from the person to whom the information pertains. If necessary we may collect personal information from other sources. By using Fisgard for lending and investment services, you consent to our necessary collection, use or disclosure of your personal information in order to properly serve you as our client.

BC’s privacy Act deems that you consent to our collecting, using or disclosing your personal information if our purpose at the time would be considered obvious to a reasonable person. In these circumstances we will collect, use or disclose personal information without obtaining your written or verbal consent. The Act also permits us to collect, use or disclose personal information in some circumstances without an individual’s consent. These include (but are not limited to) circumstances where:

When we collect, use or disclose any personal information, we make reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate and complete.

We recognize our professional and legal obligations to protect the confidential or personal information our clients provide to us during the course of our business. To that end we have made arrangements to secure against the unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or destruction of personal information.

BC’s privacy Act permits you to submit written requests to us to provide you with:

If you request access to this information, we will respond in the time allowed by the Act and will make a reasonable effort to help you and respond as accurately and completely as reasonably possible. All requests may be subject to any fees and disbursements the law permits us to charge. Your ability to access your personal information under our control is not absolute. PIPA provides that we must not disclose personal information when:

The law permits you to submit written requests to us to correct errors or omissions in your personal information that is in our custody or control. We will:

If you have any questions about our policies concerning the handling of your personal information, or if you wish to request access to, or correction of, your personal information under our care and control, please fill out the form below.

Fisgard Asset Management Corporation
Attention: Chief Compliance Officer (Privacy Officer)
3378 Douglas Street
Victoria, BC V8Z 3L3
Tel: 250-382-9255
Fax : 250-384-1498

If you are dissatisfied with our handling of your personal information and if after our Privacy Officer has reviewed and responded to your concern, you remain dissatisfied, you may wish to contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner at:

P.O. Box 9038, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9A4
Tel: 250-387-5629
Fax: 250-387-1696